Nutritional counseling of E.L.A. Gabriela Miková

E.L.A.’s Nutritional consulting for ASD

A story about our struggle with autism.


my name is Gabriela Mika and I am primarily a mother of two children with autism spectrum disorders, Anička and Matýska. Affecting my children and reluctance to accept the fact that I can not do anything for my children and the disability is permanent, I became first a nightmare, then a driving engine, then a hobby and now work.

I spent abroad for years when my two children were born. Treatment and intensive therapies took place in the US, where the linking of services to people with HIV, such as PAS, has been working for several generations. Autism and everything around it is primarily a global political problem. It is one of the heaviest GPs and treatment, care, from education to hospitals to the disabled person is extremely demanding financially, mentally, temporally, etc.

Gabriela Miková

These processes, ranging from financial burdens to enthusiasm (clinging to one approach that saves my children up to the burnout syndrome where I wanted to give up), are familiar to me. There are several ways to alleviate and improve the quality of life for these people and for the whole family. It is important to link these approaches. They never deny it.

Abroad I attended many seminars, lectures and conferences. We rode with the children for experts through Biochemistry, we have gone through several approaches. Children were enrolled in several researches and studies.

I was also educated in 2010 at the Temple University College of Education, Institute on Disabilities in Pennsylvania, USA. C2P2-EI Partners in policymaking EARLY INTERVENTION to advocate special educational needs for their children. Subsequently, I worked as a volunteer in the local community and helped parents defend their children’s rights with spec. needs and apply FAPE (Free and Appropriate Public Education). I do not deal with this issue professionally after my return to the Czech Republic. I feel but the need to highlight the importance of TIME WRONG CARE!

Currently I live in the Ostrava region, I have a nutrition clinic and a multifunctional room where I offer my services. My goal is to inform and teach parents of children with PAS that the starters who subsequently manifest themselves as autistic spectrum disorders should, as far as possible, be eliminated from the point of view of lifestyle changes and changes in eating habits. Counseling is mostly done individually, when everything is tailored to the needs of the person, the child, or in the form of lectures, education and discussions. For more information, please visit our site. Let me express my respect and respect to all who care for such “otherwise gifted” people.


Nutritional counseling of E.L.A.
Gabriela Miková E.L.A.’s Nutritional consulting for ASD